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Our Competitions are open FREE to all Burgess Hill Residents. BHIB holds 3 main Competitions annually: Spring Competition, Summer Competition, Christmas Garden Lights Competition. We also give out free Sunflower seeds (supplied by Southdown Nurseries) every March to the children of Burgess Hill, for judging in August. Winners get Shields, Trophies, certificates, and other prizes, and a £5.00 Garden Voucher on entry to the Spring and Summer Competitions.
We hold an annual Burgess Hill Garden Safari, when lots of lovely and interesting gardens open around the town. Entry is £5.00 per person (to visit every garden), Children FREE. All profits go to St. Peters and St, James Hospice, with a raffle being held for Mid Downs Hospital Radio at the Princess Royal. We have held this for 20 years.
Our past projects have included an annual ‘Bag of Bulbs’, given out in September for Spring flowering, these go-to Nursing Homes, community gardens, etc. around the town. This year we gave out 20 Captain Tom roses, £2.50 of the price went to the Captain Tom Foundation to help the NHS. BHIB holds an annual QUIZ at the Cherry Tree Age UK, for their Christmas Dinner Fund, 2 Prize giving presentation events and a couple of social events every year.